The Challenge

We live in a time of massive institutional failure, collectively creating results that nobody wants: climate change, cancer, hunger, poverty, violence, terrorism. We are witnessing the destruction of communities, nature, life and the foundations of our social, economic, ecological, and spiritual well being.

In the 21st century, humanity is challenged to a radical and foundational shift in our global culture: from an egocentric industrial growth society to an ecocentric life-sustaining society.

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Leading From the Future

While most predictions rely on extrapolations of trends based on existing economic models — meeting the challenges of this century require updating our economic logic and operating system.

This time calls for a new consciousness and a new collective leadership capacity to meet challenges in a more conscious, intentional, and strategic way. The development of such a capacity would allow us to create a future of greater possibilities.

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Over the past 200 years, industrial civilization has been relentlessly undermining Earth’s chemistry, water cycles, atmosphere, soils, oceans, and thermal balance. Plainly said, we have been shutting down the major life systems of our planet. Compounding the ecological crisis are decaying economies, ethnic and class conflicts, and worldwide warfare. Entwined with, and perhaps underlying, these devastations are epidemic failures in individual human development. – Bill Plotkin



The currency that counts .. is not ideas. Anyone can have an idea. You can pull one off the Web at any moment. The currency that counts .. is practice. Practices are things that we do every day... listening, contemplation, mindfulness, social-emotional learning practices as well as .. sense and actualize one’s highest future potential. – Otto Scharmer



In the coming few decades, humanity is going to be called to radically shift its global culture: from an egocentric industrial growth society to an ecocentric life-sustaining society.
This calls for new consciousness, new ways of thinking and a new collective leadership, the development of which would allow us to create a viable, liveable, sustainable and promising future.
These new things will not come from the old familiar centers, where people are deeply invested in the existing system; rather, they will be born in unpredicted places in the periphery, where the ruling culture is not fully formed, and there is still space to imagine differently.

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Apuseni Mountains,
Transylvania, Romania